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Engine Warning Signs

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Just like your own body, the car tells you stuff all the time regardless if it's good or bad. If you know what to look for you can detect an early engine, suspension, transmission and really any kind of problem. You don't have to be an expert car mechanic or a massive enthusiast for this, in fact, just being informed on what sounds and smells parts make can give you an advantage over the average driver who only senses something isn't right when the car stops. Without further to do, here they are.

Check Engine Light
The first and most obvious sign is the check engine light. Often time the check engine light will warn you ahead of time, before something explodes. If it does come up, drive carefully if you're not sure what it is and take it to your local mechanic or dealer. If you're concerned ask for a tow from a towing company or try to identify the problem yourself if you think you can. Be warned however, if the light starts flashing it could indicate an immediate issue that has to be addressed ASAP. If that's the case, stop the car immediately in the closest breakdown shoulder lane and call road services for a tow.

Losing Power
The second biggest tell-tale sign is a massive power decrease. In older cars that don't have sensors for everything the check engine light may not come on unless it's something really serious. In those situations a loss of power might indicate that there's a problem in one of the four strokes in the entire cycle the car's engine uses to operate. If it's the compression or combustion stroke you'll usually get this issue however an intake or exhaust stroke could limit the amount of air/fuel entering/exiting the engine result in the same. Get it checked out immediately.

Noise and Smell
Apart from onboard computers and tangible things you can feel, noise and smell are a pretty good indicator of foul things in your car too. Most car components are made from a certain material and are lubricated with special liquids so it's only logical that they emit different smells and make various sounds if they go wrong. Expect a full article about these soon right here on Furious Customs.

As always, make sure to check out our store for lots of parts for Japanese car brands and some awesome wheels from the best manufacturers. 
